Friday, June 10, 2011

Mankato Paths and the Identity Bandits

     Strolling the tree lined trails is a peaceful, mind clearing activity during the hours of light, but once the sol sets it's a completely different story.

     Bandits prowl the hedges, eater to pounce any fanny pack or wallet bulge they see.  It's not money they are after, no, a few bills of paper will only get you so far.  What they are after is identity.

     They'll snatch your i.d and after a few quick twists of the thumb on ink will have your social security number and mother's maiden name.  Then before you can stumble to the nearest residence, thumb in hand, they'll have jumped back to the bushes with their G6 internet and have started ten new accounts in your name.

     It is a mixed bag of beauty and danger, walking the paths, but that's why so many thrill seekers are drawn to it like bull fighting and whore mongering.  But if you play the game right you can come out on top safe.


  1. I'm starting to love these pieces of writing of you. Coincidentally, I had a bit of a semi-sad soundtrack playing in the background. Doesn't completely fit it, but gave it a nice boost nonetheless.

  2. Very interesting read. Is it about identity theft? :)

  3. Haha, good read. Kinda strange but I liked it.

  4. I love reading your stuff man. Always an interesting read. <3

  5. strange... i should leave my id at home.

  6. Wow, that was strangely compelling.

  7. Good read

    I didn't knew those bush were connect to internet.

  8. It is kinda scary what people can do now with how portable the internet is. Don't even have to go into a shop, necessarily, although I would be doing my buying from a public site, like McD's.

  9. Frankly, I didn't knew those bush were connected to internet either.

  10. thats why you dont carry a fanny pack

  11. Bandits make this sound like a 17th century trade road lol

  12. is this a real place you are describing?

  13. Well, good read, quite mysterious though !

  14. Once i started reading I was hooked!

  15. This sounds like the job of Bonnie and Clyde!

  16. I'm pretty sure 90% of those hipsters I see using their laptops at Starbucks are bush-dwellers.

  17. Your posts are always an interesting read, looking forward to your future posts!

  18. strange read - what is this supposed to be about?

  19. Ha ha its all been said above. I will say one thing, your writing talent is there to see. Good post.

  20. Wow, that was short but it pulled me in so well.
