Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Keanu Reeves Story

Now I'm sure by now everyone knows the tragic tale of Keanu Reeves.  If you don't, just look up "Keanu Reeves Sad".  The part that always give me the tight chest is the fact is that no matter how much life has pissed on him, he has by all accounts remained what I would dare call an outstanding human being.
But that doesn't mean you still can't have some fun with it.
When ever I see sites were people post their stories about interactions with celebrities, I post this heartwarming tale.

About 5 years ago my family went to visit my sister in LA. One day while we were there I got roped into watching my niece in a hair salon while my sister got her hair done.
So I'm sitting in the salon lobby, bored as fuck, watching my niece and who walks in but Keanu fucking Reeves.
At first I was kind nervous and freaked out, I'd just kinda glance at him every now and then, trying not to freak him out. But then my fucking niece starts crying and fidgeting and shit and won't shut up. So I'm trying to keep my niece quiet and not bother Keanu, when oops, too late, he gets up and walks over to us.
He just smiled and stroked her hair, and asked me what was wrong. I said I didn't know. Then he looked at me with those penetrating blue eyes and simply said in that soothing voice "She seems like she's hungry."
Then he lifted up his shirt and breastfed my niece right there in the salon lobby.
True story.

Some people are amused.  Others...not so much.  But now you know if you see this story you have run into me. 
Or one of my followers.


  1. Don't know the dude, but that sure is a heartwarming story!

  2. Ya, thats just about all there is to say about that....

  3. That evil bastard, he didn't breast feed you too...

  4. I bet your niece will swell into an amazon olympic gold metal winner

  5. lololololololo ridiculous, wtf did I just read?

  6. pics or it never happened :D

  7. did NOT see that coming haha

  8. iNb4 breast feeding is the new bel-air.

  9. His eyes are brown.

  10. LMAO!
    ...and I was actually taking you seriously. :3

  11. I wouldn't be surprised if he did, actually.

  12. well that was certainly not what I expected.

  13. oohhh typical keanu. i want to believe

  14. I'm amused. I'm fairly amused.

  15. Woah... or.. is it?

  16. Keanu Reeves is a great lactating man.

  17. hahaha, i laughed so hard at the end

  18. Lol. I never met Keanu, but when I worked at a CD store in West L.A. the guy who starred with Keanu in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures used to come in all the time and buy CDs. What ever happened to that guy? Cool blog. Following.

  19. Proof of Keanu Reeves' greatness.

  20. hahahahhahah brilliant. i hope to god this is true.

  21. i didn't know men could to that, but if you say so , it must be right

  22. Wow, Keanu also breast fed me when i was hungry - what a coincidence.

  23. haha, i so didn't see that coming.

  24. lulwut. Lol that was good ending aha

  25. AHAHAHAHAHAHA you got me. Again. What is it about your stories, my eyes just can’t manage to jump ahead and peek at the conclusion until I’ve already read up to it.

  26. Keanu Reeves, a great man even in the breastfeeding department.

  27. ROFL man Keanu Reeves breastfeeding you just made my day!

  28. Hah! I lol'd. That was a good one.

  29. haha thats pretty amusing if you ask me

  30. Wait a sec!!! I saw that in Point Break!

  31. I wish I could suckle on Keanu's nipple.

  32. Well... He is the chosen one. What's wrong with him breastfeeding? :D
