Saturday, February 12, 2011

Major League

Only has 2 stars?  It's a classic for chrissake.  Just goes to show you what...dammit...those movie decider if good things are.... critics.  That's what they are called.  Oh well.  Any other movies that are panned by critics but are classics? 


  1. Fight Club comes to mind critics hated it but is considered one of the best films ever

  2. Haven't seen the film, I agree some films are much better than critics would have you think.

  3. Have yet to see this film, I'll check it out when I can.

  4. critics dont know shit how many times have they said that a movie would be bad and it was awesome, or said a movie would be awesome and it sucked ass?

    Brokeback mountain for example?

  5. It's all really subjective, but sometimes when someone is chosen to represent an opinion it may not really reflect a majority's view of a movie.

  6. Hee Heee. That movie still makes me laugh.

  7. have not seen this film however critics never like the things I seem to enjoy most of them are elitist jack asses any ways so no real loss I say.

  8. I agree with Shea, Fight Club is definately a cult Classic. In fact, usually when a movie does do poorly financially, it ends up being popular anyway.
