Monday, May 9, 2011

Award Nomination!

Sorry I didn't post this sooner, but It appears I've been nominated for an award of some sort. 
I'm almost certain that it's for my philanthropy towards the neighborhood cats and out of work hookers, but I haven't been able to look into it too much.

So long story short, you should all go over to D4 and check it out for me.  You know, because I have stray cats to feed and a hooker coming over.


  1. Hookers do sort of a social work, thanks for supporting your local hooker.
    Practice Safe-Sex!

  2. And I thought you weren't supposed to reward bad behavior...

    Oh well. Congrats! Feed them stray hookers! Oh wait...

  3. Well, I was going to go donate to charity, but this is clearly the moral high ground.

  4. I would laugh if u won that contest and noone informed you of that xD

  5. I totally informed him. I think. I may or may not have been drunk at the time.

    Also, this post beats the regular sunshine thing. You win.

  6. Haha yay! Good job, on the cats And the hookers!

  7. Catch a little extra herpes for me, man :D

  8. wouldnt want the hooker to get hungry, feed it kibbles & bits

  9. The award is a pretty cool deal. I wonder who came up with it?
