Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Not A Lot News

Meant to post last night but things got in the way. 
A girl I've been chatting with online surprised me by being awake, but since I don't like to kiss and tell, that's all I can really say.
(All the way, baby)

Also some local kids at work(a hotel, if you didn't know) decided to try to Library us again with our lobby computer. 
Oh kids, they think they're so smart, so sneaky. 
What they don't know is that I control the wireless router. 
Now I know why adults were such bastards when I was that age.
First, like all kids, I was a moron. 
Secondly, it's just fun. 
And what did I get for my efforts to teach them about boundaries, and respecting other people's property?
A middle finger as they left. 
You go, Master of Originality and Angst, go. 

Also, Treev is staying with me for a while, as long as he promises not to crap in my dirty laundry. 
We're still not sure why the Po Po are after him, but theory is that the Huffing Syndicate is trying to frame him for something for selling markers at a school. 
The Huffing Syndicate is very territorial. 


  1. Yeah, crapping laundry is a deal breaker. Feels like deja vu to say that.

  2. control is everything, and btw were you disappointed by the girl or what?

  3. hahaha, the dreaded middle finger.

  4. A middle finger as they left. jajajajajjajaja! XD

  5. Older people trying younger to teach sth. Younger people ignore and do the opposite.
    I think that behavior is as old as humanity.

  6. They may have fliped you off but they also may have learned a lesson.. how many were there and how many flipped you off?

  7. Kids these days I tell you. I guess it's just a natural progression of life, they will learn their right place in society, hopefully.

  8. In Pakistan, thumbs up is the equivalent of the middle finger.
    I learned that the hard way during one summer vacation. >.<

  9. Haha kids don't learn stuff, at least it's fun though.

  10. so you're the guy that messes with the internets!!

  11. haha kids don't have any worries!!!

  12. A guy I know managed to hack into the library's public computers and make them all rickroll once he was a safe distance away.

  13. Protip: install Deepfreeze on public computers. Any changes will be reverted back to the original once you log out :3

  14. Haha, well played with those kids. Good read.

  15. Your life is fun! Good luck with Teev. Tell him no dumping in the bathtub either!

  16. haha yeah ur true. But who would not like to be a kid again, do bullshit, fuck the consequences and get a heartbeat of 5000 when simply eating an apple that he didnt ask for. DANGEROUSSHITWOAAAAIAMBOSS :D

  17. Kids. THe best part about growing up is you know exactly what scares the kids. Just mess with them.

  18. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger is my motto.

  19. What does Library mean? And the middle finger. And poor Treev

  20. Well.. at least you didnt kiss and tell. :P

  21. A middle finger FUCK THEM. i hate kids.

  22. i seriously cant deal with folk like that

  23. I always abuse the hotel printer... and I go to a lot of hotels.

  24. Cool blog. And nice post. I really like it.

    Following. :)
