Monday, May 30, 2011

Hate To Be Cliche...

But Mondays are the worst.  It's just so hard to try to get back on the night work schedule. 
Especially off such a lame weekend. 

Big News of the Weekend:  I was the big hero, and fixed the neighbors lawn mower. 
The good news is it was an easy fix, and I spent a good amount of time looking at the amble cleavage of a good looking neighbor girl.  (Sometimes the simple pleasures are the best ones) 
The Bad News:  I also had to listen to an old fat woman talk about her sex life with her son.  (Picture the Old Indian Woman for The Simpsons Movie, only a real person, and now imagine her bragging about how noisy she is during sex)
I'd go into more detail, but believe me, that's all you need right now. 

This is a horrible, horrible post.  But it's Memorial Day, so maybe everyone is out and won't even see it.


  1. That was quite intresting day :)

  2. Sounds a lot more interesting than my Monday, I spent most of it in bed, I'm on 12 hour nights 6 till 6!!!!!

  3. I think the good outweighs the bad. Also, go ahead and post the terrible story. Why feel the pain alone? Is that sympathy? PFF

  4. Monday is just a day like any other. If it is your workcycle that is depressing you, you need a different job. Look forward to your work week with activities you love to partake in.

  5. Cleavage makes everything better

  6. im just glad its memorial monday, i dont have to do anything i hate.

  7. I think seeing nice cleavage and then hearing that story from someone not-so-good-looking might have been very confusing.

  8. Thanks for sharing your memorial monday

  9. It's okay if you're being cliche when you know you're being cliche; it's not okay when you don't realise it. My personal opinion, anyway ;D

  10. Haha, didn't even notice the cliche(ness?) Good views ruined by horrible audio, not sure what to take as an overall impression of your day, I'd call it positive though.

  11. Yay for cleavage!

    Boo for old lady sex!

    Yay for fixing the lawn mower!

    Boo for mondays!

    You... are... even... stevens..

  12. wish i had a hot neighbor with nice cleavage. mmm, hey, is that a four leaf clover? hehe

  13. The old fat woman sounds a right weirdo lol.

  14. Awww you got a case of the Mondays ;)

    And about to hit 300 followers!

  15. lol today isn't memorial

  16. Yay for fixing lawn mowers. ^.^

  17. It's not just cliche, Mondays are always bad.

  18. Wh-what? Why would you talk about your sex life to your son, ever? Ergh.
